
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >


艾敬,辽宁沈阳人,创作歌手,曾经创作出版发行五张个人演唱专辑,以及其他EP 单曲。并在九十年代初以其独特音乐风格风靡亚洲,曾创下华语歌手海外销售记录,并成功在日本以及其他国家和地区举办演唱会。2004年由作家出版社出版《艾在旅途》随笔散文集,充分展示了艾敬的文学才华,并作为专栏作家在日本以及国内知名杂志撰写专栏。艾敬1999年开始画画,2007年正式以艺术家身份参加艺术展。2008年在北京今日美术馆举办首次个人艺术展,2009年5月在上海华氏画廊举办第二次个展,2009年10月将在纽约举办个展。经过多年的努力和学习,如今,艾敬正式以艺术家身份被国内外艺术界接纳。
  Ai Jing, a native of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, is a singer-songwriter who has produced five albums of her own music as well as a number of EP albums and singles. During the 90s, Ai Jing’s unique sound was popular throughout Asia. Her Mandarin songs broke records for overseas sales and she staged several successful concert performances in Japan and other countries. In 2004, The Writers Publishing House published Ai On the Road, a collection of essays showcasing her literary talents. In addition, Ai Jing has written columns for well-known magazines in Japan and in China.In 1999, Ai Jing took up painting, and in 2007 she began to take part in art exhibitions as a professional artist. She held her first solo individual exhibition at the Today Art Museum in Beijing in 2008, and in 2009 she participated in a joint art exhibition at the 102 Images Gallery in New York City. After many years of hard work and study, Ai Jing has won acceptance as an artist in international art circles. ?

