
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >


柴小刚,1962年生,1985年毕业于南京艺术学院油画专业。自1984年开始,积极参与中国新艺术运动,特别是参与组织“江苏青年艺术周?大型现代艺术展”以及超现实主义群体“红色?旅”,成为 ’85美术运动的代表人物之一;参加1986年“珠海幻灯大展”;1989年北京“中国现代艺术大展”;嘉德1994年春季、1996年秋季、2000年春季“中国当代油画拍卖会”。作品多次被艺术刊物专版介绍,并被编入《中国现代艺术史》、《中国当代美术史1985-86》、《中国大陆中青代美术家百人传》、《新中国美术史》、《’85美术运动》等。作品多为海内外机构和个人收藏。
  Chai Xiaogang(1962—)
  Born in Jiangsu. Oil painter and representative figure of the’85 New Art Movement in China. He has published more than one hundred works in professional art magazines around the world, including China Art, Art Field in China, Artist, Lion Art, and Collection in Taiwan and Collectors in Hong Kong. He was also featured in Jiangsu Illustrated, Art Literature, and Hong Kong’s Chinese Artifacts. His works have been collected by individuals and art institutions around the world. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Nanjing Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in oil painting in 1985. (Lot 215)

