
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >


1958年出生于中国北京。 自幼喜欢书画。文革期间他做医生的父母专请美术教师在家教授。深受印象派和欧洲现代艺术熏陶, 他立志做个艺术家。
  Fu Ji Tsang was born in Beijing in 1958. The Cultural Revolution begins as Fu Ji Tsang enters primary school. At fifteen years, he is sent to the country to be “reeducated.” To escape from this painful and heartless reality, he takes refuge in painting. Among the great European schools of painting he discovers at this time, he is most impressed and inspired by French artists: the Romantics, the Impressionists, and the masters of Modern Art.

