
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >


1975年11月出生于河北省,2009年 中国北京市朝阳区大山子酒仙桥路798艺术区中二街郝丽艺术中心,2011年 毕业于中央美术学院。
  出版:《郝丽油画集》五洲传播出版社、《中国油画二十家:郝丽个人作品集》;《爱之彩、郝丽作品集》《郝丽油画作品集、《中国油画》;《中国当代画册》;《艺术市场》;《当代书画报》; 《美术书法作品集》;《德国波恩艺术报》;《商业文化》;《中国日报》、《美术关注》《欧洲时报》等。
  Nov.1975:Born in Hebei province,China.D08 BeiJing 798 Art Zone dashanzi ChaoYang District Beijing,China.2010: Graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts.   
  Over 200 paintings and over 2,000 prints have been collected by many institutions and individuals; China Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Art Fair, collectors and galleries in China, US, UK, Germany, Britain, Hong Kong, Australia and other countries. Many of her works were by many auction companies such as Baoli Company in Guangdong Province as well as Zhongding, Bozhong, Jiuge, Jiabao, Wanlong, Xuande, Rongbao and Chuangshi companies in Beijing.
  Publications: "Hao Li’ Painting Collection" has been published by China Intercontinental Press. Many of her works have been published on "20 Chinese Painting Masters: Personal Work Collection of Hao Li", "China Artist Paper", "Exchange and Collection Album of China Modern Paintings", "China Paintings", "Art States", "China Modern Album", "Art Market", "Modern Calligraphy and Painting Paper", "Music Life Paper", "Beijing International Art Fair", "China Art Fair", "Wok Collection of Fine Art and Calligraphy", "Germany Bonn Arty Paper", "Business Culture", "Beijing Weekend", "China Daily", "Art Focus" etc.

