
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >


韩巨良,上海师范大学美术学院副教授,硕士生导师。中国美术家协会会员,上海美术家协会会员。1962年出生于上海。1984年毕业于浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院)油画系,获文学学士学位。主要作品一直以蒸汽机、火车头为题材,其作品参加了第八届、第九届、第十届全国美展,并多次获奖。作品被上海美术馆、中国奥委会、银行、投资公司等机构及国内外私人收藏。   Han Juliang, associate professor and instructor of MA at Fine Art College, Shanghai Normal University, member of the Chinese Artists’ Association and of the Shanghai Artists Association. Born in Shanghai, China, in 1962. Graduated from the Department of Oil Painting, Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Art) with the Bachelor degree of Art in 1984. The major themes of Mr. Han’s works are steam engines and locomotive, some of which had been accepted by several national exhibitions, won many prizes ,and had been collected by institutions as Shanghai Art Museum, the Chinese Olympic Committee ,investment companies,bank etc.,and also by domestic and overseas individuals.

