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姜国芳,当代著名油画家,中央戏剧学院教授、中国美术家协会会员,江西南昌人。1978年毕业于中央美术学院油画系,留校任教。1979年调中央戏剧学院舞美系任教,1984年入中央美院油画系进修班学习,结业后仍回中央戏剧学院任教,现为教授。1986年参加全国第六届美术展览,获北京一等奖,1990年参加阿曼举办的“国际青年双年艺术展”并获优胜奖。1993年组织并参加“具象油画展”(中国美协主办)。2003年参加迈哈密艺术博览会。2004年故宫博物院主办“姜国芳紫禁城系列展”。应美国佛罗里达洲立大学邀请讲学,参加纽约帝国大厦的“世界华人艺术家精品展”。 2005年应意大利罗马省主席的特别邀请,意大利总统赞助,在罗马市中心的威尼斯广场国家博物馆巴尔博大厅举办第九次“姜国芳紫禁城系列作品展“。此次展览为第一位亚洲艺术家进入该博物馆举办个展。并应联合国教科文组织的邀请参加在印度举办的国际艺术家高峰会议。2005年12月15日启动全球巡展计划,将依次前去西方十国的博物馆进行世界巡回展览,历时三年。2009年9月,姜国芳攻克柏林,将紫禁城系列油画带进柏林艺术中心,在那里成功举办个人画展。2010年9月15日,希腊总统帕普利亚斯亲自在总统府接见姜国芳,并钦定为其举办大型个人画展;2011年4月,姜国芳紫禁城系列油画展在希腊雅典塞奥哈拉基斯美术馆开幕,希腊前总理库斯坦提诺斯先生及夫人、雅典副市长、政府要员和各国大使以及商界、新闻界和社会各界代表悉数到场,均给予其画作极高肯定,这是中希两国文化交流史上非常罕见的一幕。姜国芳紫禁城系列油画震动了欧洲几个文明大国,先后收到了来自希腊、意大利、法国、德国等国博物馆和美术馆的个展举办邀请。迄今为止,姜国芳欧洲巡展已经安排到了2012年5月。   2004年11月作品《天子》参加翰海拍卖,成交价为297万。2005年11月作品《宫门》参加嘉德拍卖成交价为253万。2007年3月作品《永恒的梦》参加纽约苏富比拍卖,以42万美金成交。   姜国芳的艺术创作大致分为二个阶段,1987年前为早期创作阶段,主要有《牛之系列》,《西藏组画》,以及写生作业等为主。而1987年以后主要以创作紫禁城系列为主,至今已有200多幅作品问世。   Jiang Guofang (b.1951) was born in Jiangxi province, graduation from the Department of Oil Paintings of CAFA in 1978, where he became a teacher. He has also taught at the Central Academy of Drama since 1979, admitted to the research class of Dept. of Oil Paintings of CAFA in 1984-1985, participated International Young Artists Exhibition in Oman, 1990, awarded Excellent Prize; The 1st Oil Paintings Annual Exhibition, Hong Kong Forum Center, 1992; Realistic Oil Paintings Exhibition, 1993; The 1st Asian Art Exposition in Singapore, 1993; visiting scholar of Florida University, Selective International Chinese Artists Exhibition in Empire State Building, New York, 2004; solo exhibition held at the Forbidden City in 2004. In 2005 the 9th Jiang Guofang's Forbidden City Series Exhibition, The Balbo Hall of The National Museum at Venice Square in the center of Rome. Invitation by UNESCO to participate in the summit conference of international artists held in India. In 2005 he began touring the globe, exhibiting at museums in 10 different Western nations. In 2006, World Artists Group Exhibition, Vienna, Italy. In 2005, the album of paintings Jiang Guofang’s Forbidden City Series was published by the Italian government.   In September of 2009, Jiang Guofang held his exhibition in Berlin Art Center. On Spe 15, the Greek President met Jiang Guofang at presidential office, and promised to hold personal exhibition for him. In April 2011, Jiang Guofang finally took his works to Greek. Till now, his world tour exhibition is scheduled to May in 2012.   His work of Emperor was auctioned off in Hanhai by price of 2.97 million yuan RMB in November 2004. His work of Palace Door was auctioned off in Guardian by price of 2.53 million yuan RMB in November 2005.   Jiang Guofang’s art production is mainly divided into two stages: the initial production stage before 1987, there are mainly “Cattle of Series” and “Tibetan Group Painting” as well as copy from life; while after year 1987 there are mainly forbidden city series works, and there are more than 200 paintings appearing in the world up to now.

