
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >


1957年出生于中国河北省,1977-1982年河北师范大学艺术系中国画专业,获学士学位,1982-1986年北京中国青年出版社美术编辑。1987-1989年赴欧留学,师从奥地利维也纳实用美术学院MARIA LASSNIG教授。1989-1993年就读于维也纳美术学院,在ARIK BRAUER大师班研习油画和版画,毕业于该院,获硕士学位。1994-2002年作为职业艺术家定居维也纳。在此期间,曾多次艺术走访欧洲各国,同时将东、西方艺术进行比较和研究,并分别在奥地利、瑞士、意大利、德国、纽约和北京举行画展,现担任中国-奥地利艺术交流协会会长。
  1957,Born in Hebei, China. 1977-1982 B.A. in classical Chinese painting, Department of Fine Arts, Hebei Normal University. 1982-1986 Illustrator at China Youth Press in Beijing.1987-1989 Studied at the Academy for Applied Arts in Vienna with Prof. Maria Lassnig .1989-1993 Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna with Prof. Arik Brauer,Master School for painting and graphic arts; obtained Master’s degree.1994-2002 Professional artist in Vienna; undertook numerous study trips across Europe,studying traditional and modern art; Exhibitions in Austria, Switzerland, Italy,Germany, New York, and Beijing. Comparative studies of Western and Eastern art. President of the Sino-Austrian Artistic Exchange Association.

