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龙力游,1958年出生,湖南湘潭人,现任教于中央美院附中,副教授   1980年考入中央美院油画系   1981年获中央美院学生作品展三等奖   1982年获中央美院学生作品展二等奖   1983年获中央美院绘画比赛一等奖   1984年本科毕业获文学学士学位,同年考入油画系硕士研究生班   1985年作品《草原的云》获国际青年年美展铜奖,作品送日本参加第二届亚洲美展   1986年在中国美术馆画廊举办个人油画展   1987年研究生毕业获文学硕士学位,12月参加首届中国油画展(上海美术馆),10月参加国际艺苑第二届油画展   1988年参加国际艺苑第三届油画展   1989年作品《站在栅栏后的女人》获第七届全国美展铜奖   1990年10月赴新加坡举办个人油画展   1991年参加国际艺苑美术馆首届邀请展   1992年参加二十世纪(中国)美术作品展(中国美术馆),参加在香港举办的当代中国精品绘画精品大展,参加秋季香港佳士的拍卖   1993年参加九三中国油画双年展,作品获学院奖   1994年参加第二届中国油画展作品获优秀油画艺术展,参加九四新铸联杯国画油画精品大展,作品获铜奖,论文在1994年美术杂志第五期上发表   1996年参加第一届中国油画学会展(中国美术馆)   1997年参加百年中国油画肖像艺术展(中国美术馆),参加走向新世纪中国青年油画展(中国美术馆),参加中国当代素描艺术展(中国美术馆)   1998年赴欧洲学习半年   1999年在法国国际艺术城举办个人油画展,参加中国当代油画家百人小幅画展(中国美术馆)   2000年参加二十世纪中国油画展(中国美术馆)   2001年参加中国新写实主义油画名家邀请展(上海刘海粟美术馆)   2003年参加第三届中国油画展,作品获油画艺术奖(中国美术馆)   2004年参加第十届全国美展,作品获优秀奖(中国美术馆)2004年10月参加北京写实画派年展(中国美术馆)   2005年10月参加中国写实画派年展(中国美术馆)   2006年10月参加中国写实画派年展(中国美术馆),参加在南京举办的中国百家精灵画展特邀作品   现为中国艺术研究院中国油画院副教授。作品被中国美术馆等机构和国内外私人收藏。
  Long Liyou(1958—)   Born in Xiangtan, Hunan. Assistant professor with the Middle School Attached to Central Academy of Fine Arts. He began to study in the Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1980 and finally received a master’s degree. In 1985, his work Clouds on the Grassland was exhibited in “International Youth Year Art Exhibition” in China National Museum of Fine Arts and received a third price. In 1986, he held his solo oil painting exhibition in the gallery of China National Museum of Fine Arts. He participated in the “First China Oil Painting Exhibition” in December 1987. In 1989, his work Women standing behind the Fence received the bronze price in the “Seventh National Art Exhibition”. In 1993, his work Sunset at Haolibao received “Academy Award” in “93 Biennial China Oil Painting Exhibition” in China National Museum of Fine Arts. In 1994, his work Far Distance of Haolibao received “Excellent Oil Painting Award” in the “Second China Oil Painting Exhibition” in China National Museum of Fine Arts. In April 1997, he participated in “China 100 Year Oil Painting Portrait Exhibition” in China National Museum of Fine Arts. In January 1999, he held his solo exhibition in International Art City of France. In July 2000, he participated in “20th Century China Oil Painting Exhibition” in China National Museum of Fine Arts. In 2003, his work Reading received “Excellent Oil Painting Award” in “Joining Hands in the New Century: Third National Excellent Oil Painting Exhibition” in China National Museum of Fine Arts. Published works: Sketches Series of Famous Chinese Painters - Sketches of Long Liyou, published by Tianjin People’s Publishing House of Fine Arts(July 1994) and Excellent Oil Painting Series of Contemporary Chinese Painters-Long Liyou, Tianjin Yangliuqing Fine Arts Press (January, 2001).(Lot 91)

