
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >


刘野,1964年生于北京。1984年毕业于北京工艺美校;1989年就读于中央美院壁画系;1994年毕业于德国柏林艺术学院,并获硕士学位。展览:1989年丝绸之路美术大展(中国美术馆);1991年自由人艺术展(柏林展览中心);1993年刘野Ⅰ(柏林Taube画廊);1995年刘野Ⅱ(柏林Taube画廊)、世说新语展(北京国际艺苑美术馆);1997年刘野个展(北京明经第画廊);1998年是我—中国当代艺术的一个侧面(北京紫禁城太庙)、蒙特瑞安在中国(北京国际艺苑美术馆、上海图书馆、广东美术馆)、From Behind the Bamboo Curtain(莱顿LUMC画廊)、中国艺术家邀请展(刘海粟美术馆)、四位艺术家联展(北京国际艺苑美术馆);1999年解放(伦敦中国当代画廊)、四十周年纪念展(德国柏林);2000年刘野与毛焰(伦敦中国当代画廊)、上海美术馆收藏展(上海美术馆)、刘野个展(柏林Lococo Mulder画廊);2001年费里尼、卫兵、蒙特瑞安,教皇和我的女友(伦敦中国当代画廊)、透明不透明?(巴塞尔)、Graphix&Comix展览(荷兰);2002年China art—中国当代艺术(罗马当代美术馆)、China art—中国当代艺术(德国杜伊斯堡);2003年新生代与后革命、中国当代艺术巡回展、摸也摸得,摸也摸不得、左手与右手—中、德当代艺术家联展;2004年红、黄、蓝(香港)。作品广为海内外美术馆、博物馆及私人藏家收藏。

Born in Beijing. Education: in 1984 School of Arts & Crafts, Beijing. From 1986 to 1989 Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. In 1994 Hochschule der Kunst Berlin. In 1998 Artist in Residence, Rijksacademie Amsterdam. In 2001 Internship at Delfina studios, London. Solo exhibitions: in 1993, Gallery Taube, Berlin. In 1995, Gallery Taube, Berlin. In 1996, Ming Jing Di Gallery, Beijing. In 2000, Lococo Mulder Gallery, Berlin. In 2001,“Fellini, A Guardsman, Mondrian, The Pope and My Girlfriend,”Chinese Contemporary Gallery, London, 11 April - 19 May 2001. In 2004,“Red Yellow Blue,”Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong, 8 January – 14 January 2004. In 2005, Project room/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, 22 April – 28 May, Group exhibitions: in 1995,“New Anecdotes of Social Talk,”Art Gallery of International Palace, Beijing. In 1997,“Made in China,”Gallery Serieuse Zaken, Amsterdam. In 1998,“It’s Me!,”Forbidden City Taimiao, Beijing;“Mondrian in China,”Art Gallery of the International Palace in Beijing. In 2000,“Liu ye and Mao Yan,”Chinese Contemporary Ltd, London; A Selection From Collection, Shanghai Art Museum. In 2001, The First Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu;“Transparence Opacity,”De Markten, Brussel. In 2002, Paris-Pekin, Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris;“ChinArt,”Museum Kuppersmuehle Sammlung Grothe, Duisburg, Germany; The First Trienal of Chinese Arts, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou; Chinese Contemporary Art, Reykjavic Art Museum, Iceland. In 2003,“Left Hand, Right Hand,”798 Space Art & Culture Co. Ltd, Beijing;“ChinArt,”Ludwing Museum, Budapest, Hungary;“ChinArt,”Museo Arte Contemporanea di Roma, Rome;“Lifetime,”Beijing Tokyo Art Projects, Beijing. In 2004,“Fiction. Love - Ultra New Vision in Contemporary Art,”Museum of Contemporary art, Taipei;“Dreaming of the Dragon Nation,”Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin;“Stone Face,”Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai. In 2005,Mahjong, Chinese Contemporary art of Sigg’s collection, Kunstmuseum Bern;“Liu Ye,”Kaneda Schowichi, Gallery Frank Schlag & Cie, Essen;”Vehicle & Mirror,”Beijing New Art Projects, Beijing.

