
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >


帕拉,1957年出生在中国乌鲁木齐。在80年代, 帕拉毕业于西安美院油画系。毕业后,成为职业艺术家,并从事教学和研究工作多年。
  1987年,抵达澳大利亚后,帕拉的艺术作品在国内和国际上都获得了认可与巨大成功。 从那时起,他已被邀请到各地展出作品。帕拉的作品在德国,法国,中国和美国地区都备受青睐。
  Palla Jeroff was born in Urmchi, Western China in 1957.
  At the age of 17, the Chinese Government selected Palla to study the fine art of oil painting and drawing at the University of Xian where he received a Bachelor of Arts. After his graduation, Palla became an Art Professor and engaged in teaching and research for many years.
  Since arriving in Australia in 1987, Palla has gained tremendous success and recognition for his paintings both nationally and internationally. Since then he has been invited to exhibit throughout the world including Germany, France, China and America stimulating huge demand for his paintings.
  Following a highly successful exhibition in 1998, at the acclaimed Guangzhou International Art Exposition, Principals from the Guangdong Museum of Art visited Sydney to choose one of Palla’s works to hang permanently in the Museum’s private collection – one of the most prestigious art collections in the world.
  It is rare for an artist to be able to achieve successfully the styles of culture that are not familiar to his original heritage. Palla has adopted Australia as his country and has transferred his artistic talent to a new land. He is known for his wonderful rich colours, which capture the spirit of the Australian landscape. He also captures its people in a way that is quite unique and authentic.
  Palla's Expressionist paintings capture the spirit of the Australian scenery and its people in an unique, authentic way. They have won world-wide acclaim for successfully portraying the Australian culture. He captures the spirit of the people and the land. Mr. Jeroff's passion is painting. He tries to imbue others with this deep seated vision by continuing to teach young artists.

