
东方艺术网 > 东方艺术家俱乐部 > 油画 >




  代表作有《荷香》(深圳博物馆藏)、《七仙》(上海世博会藏)、《山贤》(美国前总统布什顾问詹姆斯先生购藏)、《天道》(戴志康先生购藏)等。国内出版有《非?道 、散子作品集》(岭南美术出版社)、《寻仙记》等。



  Sanzi (散子), born in April 1965 in Jiangsu Province, China. Bachelor degree in oil painting major. He has travelled to New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Beijing for many years, and currently lives and works in Shanghai. Solo exhibitions have been held in Hong Kong (2009), Shanghai (2010), Miami (2011), New York (2012) etc.

   Due to his extensive life experiences and understanding of life, Sanzi chose the "Taoist philosophy" as the theme of his art creation. In addition to Taoism presented in his paintings, his unique techniques, constant strive for perfection, and the ideal Taoistic world revealed in the paintings have won him many friends and collectors. Sanzi is widely known as “Sanzi in the form of Lao Tzu”.

   His notable paintings include "Lotus Fragrance ?荷香" (collected by Shenzhen Museum), "Seven Deities ?七仙" (collected by Shanghai World Expo), "Celestial Ethics ?天道”(collected by Dai Zhikang), "Virtuous Mountain ?山贤"(collected by consultant of the former President of the United States George Bush). His publications include "Immoral ? Moral - Collection of the works of Sanzi ", "Seeking for Immortals".

   The fairyland depicted in the paintings deeply affect the audience and produce a strong resonance with them: no life forms could resist the law of Nature. Nevertheless, the process of life, the meaning of life, and the health of life are the more important aspects and should be carefully examined, and worthy of being treasured and pursued!

   Though all living forms are governed by the law of Nature, Nature itself is the ultimate law. Few things in life matters, charity and kindness are of the utmost value. Cherish life, follow nature. A peaceful mind and restful self lead to health and happiness.

